Choose and book can go fuck themselves. Seriously. That's now 2 hospital referrals they've rejected for me. Budget hoarding bastards.
— Lisa Egan (@lisybabe) April 17, 2012
Last time I had to write a fucking essay to get them to accept a gastro referral. If a GP says a patient needs to see a specialist: They do!
— Lisa Egan (@lisybabe) April 17, 2012
Choose and book's job is to allow patients to choose the hospital they want to go to and book an appt. Not reject referrals.
— Lisa Egan (@lisybabe) April 17, 2012
I read an article about the NHS doing this to save money, and now I can't find it. My Google fu is getting worse.
— Lisa Egan (@lisybabe) April 17, 2012
And you know what else is getting worse? My fucking jaw! Which is precisely why my GP referred me to a specialist.
— Lisa Egan (@lisybabe) April 17, 2012